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Showing posts from March, 2012

Spanish Heat Cover.

Well it is finally here! Finally! My cover. And I love it. Thanks Jinger Bruton for another great cover.


Finally! I did it!  A Facebook page. It took some time to get around to it but I finally created one so I would greatly appreciate it if you would click on the link below and Like my page. And feel free to leave a comment. Thanks.!/pages/Alex-Carreras/239750179416579

Nice photo.

I have to admit, I'm a little stuck on my WIP {work in progress}.....dammit. I keep writing every scene except the one I really should/need to be writing. It is the pivotal fight-fire scene where the protagonist and the antagonist have it out. I keep playing the scene over and over in my head but for some reason, I can't seem to write it. Fear I guess. Fear of what? Failure to write a great scene? But I have to attempt it eventually or it will never get published...and that would be awful. So the other day I found an inspirational photograph of my character, Derek Johnson. Derek is one hot, country bad boy. The photo is of adult entertainer, Paul Wagner who is hot in real life. Feast your eyes on this gorgeous piece of flesh! I'm sure he has a brain and is very lovely in person but I don't care. Just look at him. Paul was nice enough to give me his permission to post this pic. See, he is so many ways.

Back on the farm.

     I  have spent the afternoon writing Heat 3 - Back on the farm and loving every minute of it. I've created two new characters, brothers which are the same age as Travis and Jaxson, the Mitchell cousins. They are rough and ready but bold and just a little bad, what else would you expect from your typical Virginia farm hands? It is also great to reconnect with the characters from Heat 1 and Heat 2. It's like old friends you truly want to visit you instead of those pesky ones you don't care too much for but seem to come every year because I live in Florida. I need to stop allowing people to use me like I'm some  Super 8. I'm not. And if you haven't read Summer Heat, click on the link below to order your copy. Also remember Spanish Heat will be available in April from my publishers website, Siren! Can't wait! or at

Release Dates

    As I was obsessively combing over Siren's calender, I discovered that Cruising with Destiny has been assigned a release date for May 31! So that means I will have a release in April [Spanish Heat-Heat 2] and then, of course, Cruising in May. How exciting. I love these stories and can't wait for you to read them.     I have already done the first round of edits for Spanish Heat and the blurbs and cover questionnaire for Cruising with Destiny. Little by little they are becoming a reality.     I am currently working on Summer Heat 3 - Back on the farm starring the main characters of Heat 1 and Heat 2 and a few secondary characters from the first Heat. So far so good. I have to admit, I love being back on my farm that I grew up on in Virginia. I never thought I would say that but I do miss it.     Anyway, I have to get going so I can finish Heat 3 and get it to you soon. Take care.